New techniques that minimize scars and preserve the nipple have excellent aesthetic outcomes. Recent studies in plastic surgery have shown excellent oncologic results when compared to regular mastectomy. Quality of life studies have shown that patients feel the benefits of nipple preservation and their overall satisfaction is better. When the overlying skin is nicely preserved, plastic surgeons can provide patients with an immediate reconstruction. This means that women do not need 2 or more surgeries. Two more anesthetics and recovery periods add risk. Many times, patients can have a permanent implant placed which minimizes subsequent operations. This makes recovery simpler and lessens costs. An experienced plastic surgeon can help you understand these options. http:/
Scars can be hidden around the pigment of the nipple-areola complex or placed at the bottom of the breast in the fold. Our website has many examples to show our results. Obtaining another opinion when a woman is facing a difficult decision can be helpful. Experience can be demonstrated by educational photos of similar cases.We strive to make patients understand their options in detail, especially when 3-4 weeks are needed to get back to routine daily activity. Some physicians will enable you to talk to other patients who have had similar procedures.Hearing the recovery first hand from another patient is helpful.
When the team is ready for surgery, incision placement should be reviewed to optimize healing and thorough removal of the breast and tumor. Choices of under the pectoral muscle or above are showing similar results. Placing the implant under the skin and surrounding the implant with a dermal sheets have been producing excellent results at 2 years in many institutions. Fat grafting is commonly done to allow better soft tissue over the implant. Fat grafting can be repeated and is covered by most insurance plans but not all as I have learned. Despite several letters and an appeal with several references from our society,we had a persistent denial. Fortunately,this is uncommon in Ohio currently. These advances are available to patients around Dayton, Ohio
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